Happy New Year!!!

The GCCDS staff is back in the office after a welcome winter break spent with family and friends all over the country. We are excited about several of our projects on tap for 2014! Be sure to check back to … Continue reading

GCCDS is Hiring!

The design studio plans to hire two public design interns and one community planner.  Applicants must apply online at www.jobs.msstate.edu.  The design studio’s work has evolved from rebuilding to long-term resiliency and is recognized as a national leader in public … Continue reading

GCCDS Has Officially Moved

We recently relocated to our new home in the heart of downtown Biloxi! Our new office is located at 769 Howard Ave. Be on the lookout for an announcement with the date and time for our dedication/open house so we … Continue reading

NOAA Coastal Services Center Visits GCCDS

Last week GCCDS staff got the chance to visit with Jillian Lartigue and Marian Hanisko from NOAA Coastal Services Center.  While the conversation covered a wide range of topics, GCCDS was excited to be introduced to Digital Coast. Digital Coast … Continue reading

GCCDS Helps to Wrap up First Annual Woman’s Build

During the past several months the Gulf Coast Community Design Studio had the opportunity to partner with Women in Construction and INL Construction for the Women in Construction’s first annual Blitz Build. Through a generous donation from Kaiser Permanente and … Continue reading

About Us

The Gulf Coast Community Design Studio (GCCDS) is a professional service and outreach program of Mississippi State University’s College of Architecture, Art + Design. The GCCDS was established in Biloxi, Mississippi in response to Hurricane Katrina to provide architectural design services, landscape and planning assistance, educational opportunities and research to organizations and communities along the Mississippi Gulf Coast.

The GCCDS works through close, pragmatic partnerships with local organizations and communities. In Biloxi, the GCCDS shares work space with a key local partner, the Hope Community Development Agency – a relationship that brings the office into direct and continuous contact with the community’s needs and resources. The GCCDS works with non-profit organizations, local governments, universities, developers and other partners in all three of Mississippi’s coastal counties, putting professional expertise to work in order to shape vibrant and resilient Gulf Coast communities.

Our Mission

To provide professional assistance that increases the capacity of local communities and organizations to address issues of housing, public space, and neighborhood development.

To provide leadership that advances the local, regional, and national dialogue on issues of design, affordable housing, coastal resiliency, and sustainable development.

To expand design education by providing opportunities for students and interns to explore community-based design, design-build, and sustainability.


  • American Institute of Architecture Mississippi
  • Architecture for Humanity
  • Apostolic Christian World Relief
  • Auburn University
  • Back Bay Mission
  • Biloxi Housing Authority
  • Boston Architectural College
  • Carl Small Town Center
  • The City of Biloxi
  • The City of Moss Point
  • Compassion First - BFS Relief
  • Department of Energy
  • Department of Homeland Security
  • Design Corps
  • ESRI
  • Enterprise Community Partners
  • Enterprise Rose Architectural Fellowship
  • Fuller Center
  • GISCorps
  • Gulf Coast Community Foundation
  • Habitat for Humanity Bay-Waveland
  • Habitat for Humanity Mississippi Gulf Coast
  • Hancock Housing Resource Center
  • Hands On Gulf Coast
  • Hope CDA
  • Hope Force International
  • HUD's Universities Rebuilding America Partnership
  • Institute for Sustainable Communities
  • Knight Foundation
  • Land Trust for the Mississippi Coastal Plain
  • Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights
  • Local Initiatives Support Corporation
  • Mercy Housing & Human Development
  • Mississippi State University
  • Mississippi Center for Justice
  • MIT Department of Urban Studies & Planning
  • MSU College of Architecture, Art + Design
  • National Endowment for the Arts
  • North Gulfport Community Land Trust
  • Oak Ridge National Laboratory
  • Presbyterian Disaster Assistance
  • Renaissance Corporation
  • The Salvation Army
  • Samaritan's Purse
  • Small Business Administration
  • South Central Arc User Group
  • State of Mississippi
  • University of Minnesota
  • Urban Life Ministries
  • Warm Welcome Gulf Coast
  • Warnke Community Consulting
  • Youth Build