Interpretive Center


A Destination for Local and Regional Visitors

The Moss Point Interpretive Center will house a permanent exhibition on the local ecology that educates residents and visitors about indegeniout wildlife. With additional special programing, and space for meetings and seminars with state-of-the-art facilities, the Interpretive Center will be a major draw to Downtown.


The Purpose and Program

The center will build on and reinforce the assets that already exist in the Moss Point area. Functioning as a resource center, waterfront attraction, exhibit space, and host for educational programs, the center will be an active, exciting new place to visit on the waterfront, bringing visitors to the heart of Moss Point.


The Building and Location

The Design Team working for the Mayor's Institute emphasized the importance of a river interpretive center, but left the building's actual design for future discussion and decision. Here is one idea of what this important building could look like.



A Celebration of the City's Natural Heritage

Ecotourism is "environmentally and culturally responsible travel and visitation to natural areas that promotes conservation, endorses a low visitor impact and benefits the community economically."

The Pascagoula River has become the centerpiece of the growing ecotourism industry in coustal Mississippi.

The Interpretive Center will link with Pelican Landing and the Audubon Center through boat tours and the proposed Moss Point Greenway, helping the city to capitalize on recreation that has proven to be profitable and sustainable.
