Clarence and Carmen react during the dedication of their new house.

A small back stair and utility platform is tucked between the house and the garage.

Hope Force volunteers painting the house.

A House For Carmen and Clarence

Community Partners : East Biloxi Coordination Center
Building Partners: Christian Aid Ministries, Hope Force International

Carmen and her husband Clarence have lived on their street for over four decades. During that time, they worked hard to improve their property with a two-story house, garage, and guest cottage, but Hurricane Katrina left most of this damaged and uninhabitable. Based on the damage to the house, the decision was made to tear it down and start anew. In February 2009, workers began driving piles for the foundation, and soon eager volunteers from Christian Aid Ministries began framing a new single-story house. Once framing was completed, another volunteer group, Hope Force, took over and carried the house through completion. The house fits snugly in with the existing garage and features a ziz-zagging wheelchair-accessible ramp, a spacious living room, three bedrooms, and back doors leading to the garage and guest cottage.