Kim and her husband Hung in front of their new house

The stair tower and covered porch provide a protected entry.

The house is dried in and roofed

Volunteers set a wall into place.

A House For Kim

Community Partners : East Biloxi Coordination Center
Building Partners: Back Bay Mission & University of Minnesota

Kim and her family have lived in Biloxi 25 years. Their house was hit with 12 feet of water, which pushed it off the foundation. The new elevated home is a three bedroom/two bath for Kim and her husband Hung, their daughter, and grandchild. An overhang and porch along the length of the south elevation shields the home from the sun and allows a stair and a possible future elevator to connect.  The floor incorporates a stringer structure that cantilevers out, serving as scaffolding during construction. The pitch of the roof is kept to a minimum allowing a safer surface for volunteer crews and a reduction in the wind loaded vertical surface.




South Elevation

East Elevation