Photo © Alan Karchmer

Louise on a visit to her site with the design team.

The entrance to the completed house

The view from the living room

The house is ready for its windows.

Louise's MEMA Cottage, with her new house under construction in the distance.


A House For Louise

Community Partners : East Biloxi Coordination Center
Building Partners: Architecture for Humanity

Louise and her family had been living in Biloxi for 57 years and in their home for 21 years prior to Katrina. The home originally belonged to Louise’s mother.

Louise is a single mother. Her daughter, Kishma, is a student and received grants to study at Jeff Davis College. They both help take care of six-year-old Dajntae. Before Katrina nearly every property on the street belonged to Louise’s relatives. While many of her cousins and siblings plan on coming back, Louise was the first to start the rebuilding process and hopes to inspire more to come back to their community.

Architecture for Humanity's Model Homes Program worked to develop and construct 7 model homes to find the most effective means of financing and construction of a new home in East Biloxi. This program tackled the issues facing many who are rebuilding their homes, such as elevating homes to new FEMA requirements, hurricane and flood risk, affordability and longevity. AFH is committed to creating sustainable homes using practices and materials that are environmentally responsible. The GCCDS was responsible for the design of the final project.