Clinic Director Judy Jones

The new waiting room

Dedicated exam room spaces

The clinic addition under construction

The existing building pre-addition

Bethel Free Health Clinic, Inc.

Community Partners : Bethel Free Health Clinic
Building Partners: Fuller Center Disaster Rebuilders, Biloxi Housing Authority

Immediately following Hurricane Katrina, the Bethel Lutheran Church in Biloxi began a free medical clinic in order to treat everyone affected by the storm. Gradually, as immediate health needs related to the storm faded, the Clinic discovered an ongoing long-term need in the local community for health care for the uninsured and underinsured. Doctors and nurses are still all-volunteer, and the clinic continues to be not for profit, "where care and compassion, not money, is the medium of exchange," as their mission states.

After two and a half years operating out of the Bethel Lutheran Church lobby, Clinic director Judy Jones realized their need for a larger space to call their own. The clinic leased an existing office building owned by the Biloxi Housing Authority and asked the Fuller Center Disaster Rebuilders to renovate the existing space and build an addition. The GCCDS provided the architectural and some landscape architectural services.

The clinic was dedicated in March of 2009 and began daily operations in the new space immediately.


Bethel Free Health Clinic

The Fuller Center Disaster Rebuilders