The project proposal shows planted areas and easier pedestrian crossings.

Proposed street scape for Howard Avenue. Roll over image to see the before image.


Proposed street scape for Main Street. Roll over image to see the before image.

Howard Avenue

Client : City of Biloxi

Downtown Biloxi is an underutilized district with few commercial properties and ample vacancies. The heart of downtown, three blocks known as Vieux Marche Mall, was closed to traffic as a pedestrian mall during 1970s renewal efforts, which swiftly discouraged already-dwindling business. In the 1990s, Vieux Marche reopened to one-way traffic but the downtown area would greatly benefit from additional automobile and pedestrian traffic, as well as other streetscape improvements.

This project comprises a streetscape improvement and preliminary development plan for historic downtown Biloxi, which together aim to improve the city's central public space and enliven the district with increased traffic and civic activity, fostering a sense of downtown identity. Initial proposals include:

  1. Opening Vieux Marche to two-way traffic and re-establishing Howard Avenue as the primary downtown thoroughfare.
  2. Introducing a more streamlined streetscape that includes parking, street trees, stormwater management, street lights, pedestrian bulbs, awnings, crosswalks and ample sidewalk space.
  3. Creating continuous side streets a stronger connection between Beach Boulevard and Howard Avenue, drawing visitors to the downtown area.
  4. Prioritize street parking, minimize surface parking and maybe even introduce a multi-level parking garage.

This project is the result of the studio component of the Public Design Certificate Program, but has since gained traction and is under consideration by various Biloxi officials.

Proposed Street Section
Proposed Street Section

Proposed Street Sections