A group of visitors listen to a presentation about domestic life at the Shaw Homestead.

Shaw Homestead Exhibit & Community Events

Community Partners : Land Trust for the Mississippi Coastal Plain
Funding: National Endowment for the Arts

The Shaw Homestead is a 120-year-old log cabin built entirely from longleaf pine.  The Shaw family lived in the house until Hurricane Camille in 1969.  In 2006, the family donated the property to the Land Trust for the Mississippi Coastal Plain, in Biloxi, MS.  The Land Trust has partially restored the property to its historic condition.

The Land Trust and GCCDS are working together to host a series of these community events at the Shaw property and will be creating a permanent interpretive  exhibit.  The events and exhibit will be covering the history of the homestead through themes of agriculture, livestock, home life and the timber industry.